I dubbed today as Super Sew Monday since yesterday was Super Bowl Sunday. I have two things to share with you today. We only watching the last quarter of the game. My congratulations go out to the Philadelphia Eagles. It was a great game and I hear the half-time show was awesome - sorry to have missed that part. The first thing I have to share to day is my One Monthly Goal as sponsored by Elm Street Quilts. My goal for this month is to complete, from start to finish, my version of Tumbling Triangles. This is a pattern from Studio 180 Design that uses the fabulous V-Block tool. I am teaching the Tucker University class on the V-Block tool at Four Pines Quilting in Claremont, NH on February 17th. I want to have this quilt as an example of how it can be used. Usually this modern quilt is made with a solid background and a bright vibrant print like a Kaffe Fassett print. Mine with be a little different. Check out the fabrics that I plan to use. The other item I have to share is the release of Month 2 of Cheshire Quilters' Guild 2018 Block of the Month. This month's installment includes two blocks: Block 2 - Crystal Star and Block 3 - Shooting Star. The pdf of instructions is available here and the videos are up on YouTube. You can also watch them here. There are 2 separate videos - 1 for each block. Well that's it for this week. Happy sewing, see you next time!
June 2023
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